

Three Types of Ferret Behavior

Roxy in cubby hole

Leader this fuzzie can be male or female, young or old, doesn't matter. This dominant fuzz-ball demands attention and will figure out away to get it from you. Whether it's knocking over a plant, scratching the footpads out of your shoe, or even war dance around you, he/she must have your complete attention. Very bossy and interfering, this leader will not only take control of you, but take command of the fellow ferrets. Including, pulling the others by the back of their neck. One key way to know who is the "boss" of the group. Buy a new toy, (tunnel or cubby hole), and watch who takes it over. The leader will usually position themselves in the entry way to make sure no one enters.

The Follower (Saiya)

Follower this fuzzie is a sweetheart. Always willing to share a piece of treat without fighting back. Their humble attitude brings joy to those around him/her. The follower is very loyal. I've seen "a leader" climb up onto a box, not knowing how to get down he then motioned his head quickly up and down to a near-by follower. She hastily ran to the bottom of the box and laid down. He then jump onto her body and off they went. Sad, but true.

Loner is an introvert. A sure way to know who's "the loner" he/she will be on the opposite side of the room while the others roam around together. The loner will play with the others, but gets bored easily. You can find this fuzzie trying to go into closets, under couches, and rooms no one is in. This is how I came up with the name Shadow, for my second ferret. He is always somewhere, out there, watching you from the shadows.

Which ferret type is your fuzzie?



Fuzzies really do enjoy Ferret Chew Treats . My two big boys can eat one whole stick alone. Of course, they do enjoy "hiding/saving" their snack and taking the others. I usually give them 1 -2 per week.  It's a great snack for ferrets because it cleans their teeth. Good thing for us since most ferrets will not let you personally clean their teeth. 

Enjoy the video!

Naming My First

Choosing a name for your new bundle of joy can be difficult for some.  Most people want something cute like Bear, Cinnamon, Gizmo, or Chad.  I wanted names that fit their personality or looks.  Two years ago, on an October afternoon I went to my local pet store (Pet Supermarket) with intentions on just looking around.  There were so many beautiful animals locked in cages or placed in open top plastic-like confinements.  Children would stand on their tippy toes to reach in, in hopes they could grab something anything.  I could not help but hear a father yell to his daughter, "Leave those nasty stinkin' weasels alone, they'll bite you!"  I did not understand the anger coming from this large and very tall man, nor could I look away.  The father picked his daughter up so she could get a better view of the small animals looking up at him.  "You see that," he pointed.  "Those creatures are smelly and stupid.  They lay in poop all day, wouldn't you rather have a rabbit."  The young girl quickly nodded her head and together they went.  Curious, I went over to see what the commotion was about. 

I saw four or five ferrets laying there in blue bedding, no water was in their bottles, but at least there was a huge bowl of dry food right in the middle of their cell.  Out of all the ferrets one caught my eye.  While everyone lay on top of each other, he was by himself in the corner.  He had blue bedding stuck to his nose and fur.  "How awful." I thought.  

Rushing to find the nearest employee, I asked her to put water in the ferrets bottles.  The female employee looked at me as to why did I care.  Accompanying me, my boyfriend (who has two ferrets of his own), asked, "Do you want him?"  With no hesitation I replied, "Yeah, I do."  After buying his necessities we rushed to get him to his new home and out of the small box he was in.  He began making a crying noise and poking his little eye out of the air hole to see what was happening.  I turned around and noticed how large his head was. My goodness.  As the long drive continued I looked out my window to see a common October fruit for sell.  "I'll name him Pumpkin, because of his fur color and large head."

10.  Cinnamon
9.    Tucker
8.    Flea
7.    Pip
6.   Cosmo
5.   Tritan
4.   Charlie
3.   Max
2.   Panda
1.   Roxy

What's your ferrets name and how did you come up with it?


Red-Eye Green-Eye

My two furry and mischievous kids (ferrets).  I decided to put them as my background instead of a random abstract photo.  I know what your thinking, "that masterpiece must have taken hours even days to complete".  Yes, it did.  These picture's were taken after bath time.  Wet and ready to slide their long bodies across the carpet floor, I began snapping away. 
I noticed how Shadow (Green-Eyes) reminded me of what I fear most, a caterpillar! 

So I was quick in helping him dry off.  I've read about people using blow-dryers to aid in their ferrets drying process, but I instead usually leave clean towels on the floor for them to burrow into.  With Shadow and Pumpkin (Red-Eyes) being so active it only takes them maybe 20 minutes to be completely damp-free. I bathe the "two" every 5 - 7 weeks.  This topic of bath time is so controversial.  I've read books that said "once every three months" and others "once a year".  I believe it depends on the surroundings your ferret lives in.  For example, if you take your ferrets outdoors to play, I would bathe them often. 
Remember to use:
  • Luke-warm water
  • Ferret shampoo or tearless baby shampoo
  • Clean Dry Towels
  • Blow-dyer ..if you use one keep it on a low-setting and a foot away from your ferret..
  • Optional: Ferret Body Mist Conditioner ..for the  High Maintenance ferret : ) 
How often do you bathe your ferret(s)?